Setting up a Blue Smart charger for a Roamer LiFePO4 lithium battery


Blue Smart chargers are a series of battery chargers from Victron Energy that range form 1A to 30A, and come in IP22, IP65 and IP67 variants. All have bluetooth capability, and can be programmed to custom voltages, and used as power supplies too.

Before you start

Make sure you have the following:

  • Smartphone or Laptop with bluetooth connectivity

  • The VictronConnect app installed

  • Victron Blue Smart Charger

Configuring the Blue Smart Charger

Open the VictronConnect app, and connect to your new Blue Smart Charger. You might be prompted to change the PIN code, or the PIN code may not be "000000"; in which case it will be printed on the label on the side of the charger or it's box.

Tap on the settings icon in the top right.

Battery Settings

Set Function to Charger.
Set Charge current to whichever setting is under the maximum limit for your battery.(see Roamer datasheets here)
Toggle Advanced settings, and then tap into Advanced battery settings when it appears.

Tap on Battery preset and select "User defined".
Toggle Expert mode on.
Your Maximum charge current should have been set in the previous step.
Set Absorption voltage to 14.4V
NOTE: The Absorbption voltage of 14.4V is for SMART4 batteries. If you have a SMART3 battery or older, please set this to 14.2V.
Set Float voltage to "Disabled".
Set Storage voltage to 13.2V.
Set Recondition voltage to "Disabled".
Toggle BatterySafe off.
Set Temperature compensation to "Disabled".
Set Bulk time limit to "Disabled".
Set Re-bulk current to "Disabled".
Set Absorption duration to "Fixed".
Set Absorption time to 30m.
Set Repeated absorption to Every 7 days.
Set Recondition stop mode to "Automatic, on voltage".
Set Maximum recondition duration to 0m.
Later versions of the charger firmware only allow a minimum of 15 minutes for this setting, this is fine to have set at 15m.

Using the charger

When using a Blue Smart charger, it is important to connect the DC side of the charger, before plugging in or turning on the mains power to the charger.
This is so that the correct test sequence can be followed - otherwise it could result in no charge, or limited charge current.

All done, your Blue Smart Charger is now set up for use.
For any help or support, contact Roamer:

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